At Swissport, we foster corporate behavior based on honesty, integrity and respect for the law.
The company’s ethical and behavioral principles apply to our staff and to those acting on our behalf. The principles are explained in our Code of Conduct, which is supplemented by more detailed standards, directives and guidelines. We urge our employees to report all violations of the Swissport Code of Conduct our external SpeakUp hotline which was introduced in 2019.
Operational Risk Management
open reporting
Swissport promotes an open reporting culture and has established its operational risk management in accordance with the recommendations of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for an integrated management system.
The incidents recorded in the Swissport Management Tool (SMT) provide a full and transparent incident history. The SMT has made the reporting of accidents, unsafe conditions, unsafe acts and near misses easier and more readily accessible. Real-time monitoring and notification are available to management.
Data protection
A key objective
Swissport deals with sensitive customer data such as, for example, air freight documents and passenger data. Most of this data is handled electronically, which makes IT security one of Swissport’s most crucial responsibilities within our data protection management activities. Our data center is certified according to the ISO 27000.
Our data protection policy has been rolled out globally. The policy is part of a mandatory training course for all employees, which needs to be refreshed every two years.
countering cyber threats
To counter the constantly changing and evolving cybersecurity landscape, we have recently further increased our target security level. We also focus on our supply chain and create awareness for good cybersecurity hygiene within the Swissport workforce – our first line of defense against cyber attacks. We achieve this through customized IT security awareness trainings.
The Swissport Code of Conduct is a set of principles and corporate rules that define our ethical standards. The goal of the Code of Conduct is to protect Swissport and its staff, as well as third parties, society and our stakeholders from harm, which may be triggered by unethical or unlawful behavior. All Swissport employees must comply with the Code of Conduct.